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Sunday, May 31, 2009


The Causes

Gonorrhea is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria. The infection is transmitted from one person to another through vaginal, oral, or anal sexual relations.

* Men have a 20% chance of getting the infection by having sexual relations with a woman infected with gonorrhea.

* Women have a 50% chance of getting the infection by having sexual relations with a man infected with gonorrhea.

* An infected mother may transmit gonorrhea to her newborn during vaginal childbirth.

The symptoms

Symptoms may appear within 2-10 days after exposure to an infected person-even longer for women (up to 3 weeks).


* Pain or burning during urination in most men

* Thick, yellow penile discharge 50% of the time

* Inflammation or infection of a duct in the testicles

* Infection or inflammation of the prostate


* No symptoms 30-40% of the time

* Gonorrhea may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (a serious medical condition that can lead to infertility)

* Infection and irritation of the cervix

* Need to urinate often

* Itching and burning of the vagina, usually with a thick yellow/green discharge

* Infection and irritation of the vagina (this is how the infection usually appears in children who may be victims of incest)

* Bleeding between menstrual periods


* Irritation of the mucous membranes in the eyes (if not treated, can cause blindness)


* Gonococcal throat infection should be considered in people who complain of sore throat and have other signs of gonococcal infection. Throat infections from gonorrhea are transmitted through oral sex but occur without any other symptoms in less than 5% of people infected with gonorrhea.

* Rectal pain or discharge can be a sign of infection of the prostate and is transmitted through anal intercourse.

The treatment

Gonorrhea can develop into more serious medical conditions if not treated. You must see a doctor for treatment.

Comments :

have 6 comments at “Gonorrhea”
En-Najihah said...
at date 

seram amat yach

zabidi said...
at date 

yip,memang seram bro.bahaya jika tidak menjaga kesihatan

Musikero said...
at date 

Ewww! This is really disturbing. It pays to really have a healthy lifestyle including safe sex. Disgusting.

zabidi said...
at date 

yup,it many disease nowdays,but many of us just ignore wait 4 my new post about healthy.see ya

Anonymous said...
at date 

ewwwwwwwwwww.yuks....i prefer to use condom

Anonymous said...
at date 

I got several type of gonorrhea, I my taciturn doctor recommends me to don't interrupt my treatment with Cheap Viagra Online pills. Is that right ?

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